We empower your team by driving best practise sales, marketing & customer success mechanics
through leadership, automation and best in class execution.

Sales & Marketing leadership

Go to market with confidence.

Our team of Formidable Minds experts have a genuine desire and passion to help businesses drive revenue and profitable growth through effective sales, marketing, customer success and operational excellence.

Our Sales & Marketing services

Go-To-Market Strategy

An aligned sales, marketing & customer success strategy transforms a good business, into a great one! Whether you are a new start up or an established business understanding your customers’ buying journey in detail is crucial to running and scaling your business with effective go-to-market motions. Bending that journey out of shape is a sure way of driving potential customers to your competition. You just can not get this wrong. Speak to the team at Formidable Minds to activate your teams to become go-to-market experts.

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Lots of experience, energy and passion in helping us to improve and accelerate growth, this team are phenomenal. On top of this their ability to drive the execution of projects is second to none. No hesitation in using again!

Demand Generation

What does this mean? Good question, glad you asked. Being able to create demand for your products & services through various tactics and initiatives is the job of Demand Generation teams. The ability to put out the right message at the right time with the right offer in the right place is a science and an art. So many variables to play with here and you could end up trying to do everything but nothing really well. We have some of the best in the industry working for us. Use us!

Outreach strategies

The first impression you give your potential prospects sets the tone for the impression they will have on your brand, your people and your products & services. Getting it wrong just once could prevent you from winning business from that potential prospect for years. We approach outreach with tonnes of creativity, a detailed mechanical know-how to scale an outreach team and how to set up drips and sequences that deliver results through ‘storytelling’ and social proof. We also have a really cool model we like to call S.P.A.C.E. which brings your SDR function into new creative ways of generating qualified leads for your business. We would love to help so feel free to ask us more.
Fm Sales & Marketing Page Feb23

Sales and Account Management Planning

So you have a bunch of key wins to your name and now you are wondering how to generate more value through growing your existing customers’ spend, but stuck for the ideas and the required cadence to make it happen. You should be getting 80% of your revenues from 20% of your customer right? Every business is different sure, but being able to create play books for existing business growth and drive up your retention rates is key to creating increased shareholder value in your business. In fact if you are looking to sell your business in the long run it is a key metric in your valuation. This is where our team really could add a tonne of value to you business. We can not wait to hear from you.

Recruitment and Development

Missing someone key from your revenue organisation? Creating a new role but want to road test the validity before hiring someone full time? With our team of experts at Formidable Minds we have you covered across Sales, Marketing and Revenue Operations roles. Reach out and let us keep your operational rhythm moving with Formidable Minds experts.

Achieve Sales & Marketing greatness with Formidable Minds – Contact us today for the start of your journey to consistent and high performing results…

Revenue Growth Consulting

Looking for some new plays on revenue generation? Need some new thinking on how to increase your prospecting capabilities? Maybe you want to sound board us on your next new product or service that you are looking to take to market or building a Sales org that can win against your competitors. This is what we do…. and we are very good at it! We’ll help you on the path to becoming formidable so that you are armed with the right tools and processes to make these repeatable exercises. We have some very clever tools & playbooks that anyone can follow but not many people know. Well….what you waiting for?

Sales Enablement

So you’ve built your Strategy and you are on the path to winning. That’s it right….nothing more other than expectations from your sales & marketing teams to deliver? What about training? Development? Coaching? Tooling? Sales Comms? Believe us, there’s more. Let us show you, get in touch.

Sales Strategy 101 – Start Up Pack

If only there was an easy approach to understanding how to help your start-up / scale-up business, build out the right Sales Strategy to help you on the road to monetisation. What does a stategy even look like and where do you start? Well, our subscription approach to helping you on this journey has all the bases covered. We have been where you are many times, as have many of our clients, so please do not hesitate to speak to us because procrastination and waiting for answers to come to you is not the answer.

How do you know what good or best practice looks like?

And how do you translate strong and compelling ideas to drive results into real life action plans? Perhaps you have 50%-75% of the ideas but struggle with execution. For these reasons and many more are the reasons why Formidable Minds exists. Having seasoned experts across the full go to market value chain we can help bring your teams into a place where they can deliver time and time again. We bring compelling experience across a variety of sectors, a thirst and hunger for getting things done and to plan, and we bring your teams together with ours to collaborate on the journey to becoming formidable.
Salesforce Vs Zoho

Salesforce Vs Zoho

We feel compelled to address some misconceptions presented recently about Salesforce and the alternative that we are asked about time and again… Zoho CRM.

Unit economics

Unit economics

Unit economics might seem like a subject only accountants would love, but it’s actually a high-stakes game that every business plays, whether they realise it or not.

With seasoned experts that have experience of delivering double digit growth projects at accelerated rates, you can trust us to help your people and business become formidable.

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